[view models / page structuring series] Close and nullify ModalDialog from itself on client-side


Cannot make this happen, assignment to _parent crashes.

Do I have to make a reference to it inside it and use it like: _parent.SelfReference = null ?


It works if I go like this:

Is this sane?

PS: In what context are those assignments run on the server? I ask because it is not in the form of {command: SomeHandlerInTheVM()}.


I’ve settled for the bellow form because other things need to happen in the parent VM, so needing to trigger custom event towards parent, inside Close()


I’m very surprised that the assignment to _parent works in the command binding. I though we don’t support this, because it was hard to make run on the server, in JS it should be easy.

I have always done it using the _parent.SelfReference = null, in your case I suppose it would be _parent2.ModalViewModel = null

The entire body of the command binding is run on the server. Even if you use {command: 0}, we run the entire postback pipeline. Only staticCommand is this hybrid where it runs client-side, but you can invoke server-side method.

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yeah, but in what context run on the server?

If I have
{command: SomeHandlerInTheVM()} . I know that is the context, the VM method.

I’m not sure I understand the question. The binding is “simply” compiled as a function which we execute after the Load phase. Data context is taken from the control where it is declared

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I don’t know how to say it… I’m just curious what are the whereabouts, the medium in which resides that code. I don’t know how it is made to work… like with some special closure / constructed handler … I don’t know.

LE: I understand now (it is compiled and then executed in the DotVVM pipeline at that point in the lifecycle)

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Well, we can go depths on this :sweat_smile:, if you have specific question I’m happy to answer, but I’m not sure I give a reasonable general answer.

Yes it’s compiled by DotVVM, we compile it through Linq.Expressions.Expression, so it isn’t exactly a C# function, but should be close enough. The data context variables are obviously special - the data context is in the DataContext properties. We essentially collect the required data contexts from the control tree, before executing your expression (I still think that the _parent=null assignment cannot work). The compilation happens during the first page load, otherwise you would get syntax error only after you click the button, which is undesirable.

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I hurry with things here and please excuse me, I was wrong saying it works (all of them).

What I was sure that works is just these two (no exception thrown though, like in the case of staticCommand):


No in depth now, no-no :sweat_smile:

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Ok that’s quite possible that we don’t throw the exception, but the _parent=null statement is noop. That would be good to fix in the next major

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