Problem with dot:Routelink after upgrading to 4.2


I am having a problem with how urls appear in my app after I upgraded from 2.0 to 4.2.

Before the upgrade I would have a dot:RouteLink which would render a link like this:
which would render correctly but now they render like this:

Using the same {value: Url} binding on pure html like so:
<a href={value: Url}> works correctly and that’s what makes it a weird error to me.

It’s a pretty big app so I want to avoid having to refactor my whole code from dot:RouteLink to so any help will be welcome

How exactly do you use the RouteLink? It automatically URL-encodes all parameters; I had no idea v2.0 doesn’t do it, it’s a fairly severe vulnerability…

Anyway, you can use the UrlSuffix property instead of Param-X, that doesn’t do the URL-encoding.