Personal Introduction

Hi everybody,
I’m Tom, 45 years old, from Germany and take care (real life Systemoptimizer and Programmer) of three main projects in good old Webforms (all with a separate Business Logic class file I also maintain and develop) . The projects are all on Framework 4.8; Bootstrap because I suck in designing pages; one with SignalR; and several APIs of third parties and I’m in love with Linq. I didn’t study comp science, just an abstract version of it in the business department of my university. So I don’t have the indepth knowledge of some technical aspects, but through the years I think I learned lot because of practicing everyday. :wink:
I had an online meeting with Tomáš last week so he knows me personally a little bit.
Now I start with my first DotVVM project convertion and will probably use this forum quiet often. From my journey I will post everything that might help to make this project better into the forum so I can also help others and make this a big community!

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