PDF Viewer for DotVVM

One quick question,

Does DotVVM offer some kind of PDF Viewer? Can’t find by looking through the features here: DotVVM | Products

If not, can you recommend some free PDF viewer that integrates well with DotVVM? Thanks.

We don’t have y control for that. One option is just to make an iframe and set the URL of the file to it, but I remember there were some issues with this method.
I have used pdfjs library in the past and it worked a but better. Making a DotVVM wrapper around it should not be that hard.

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While wanting to stay as much as possible away from iframe, with some extra careful tinkering (creating an additional DotvvmReturnedFile custom middleware for the specific Sec-Fetch-Dest=embed request header), we’ve managed to address the “embed element” option for framing the PDF viewing. Hope that this would not raise any security concerns, as the application is in-house in Intranet and the pdf files will be served only based on a secret server-side unique token.

Reasons to prefer <embed> instead of <iframe>: still having the browser’s native functionality for viewing PDFs but with none of the iframe’s overhead & quirks.
