ModalConfirmPostBackHandler not closing on button click

This confirm postback handler works well.

  <dot:LinkButton Visible="{value: Permission == "Full access" && _root.canDelete}" Validation.Enabled="false" style="font-size: 20px; padding-right:5px;" class="text-danger" Click="{command: _root.Delete(_this.NHI)}">
                        <dot:ConfirmPostBackHandler Message="Are you sure you wish to delete this Patient record? It can not be undone!" />
                    <bs:Icon Type="Trash" />

However when I change it to a ModalConfirmPostBackHandler the modal appears and the postback is triggered on confirm but the modal dialog stays open on the confirm click and also on the cancel click.

 <dot:LinkButton Visible="{value: Permission == "Full access" && _root.canDelete}" Validation.Enabled="false" style="font-size: 20px; padding-right:5px;" class="text-danger" Click="{command: _root.Delete(_this.NHI)}">
     <bs:ModalConfirmPostBackHandler Message="Are you sure you wish to delete this Patient record? It can not be undone!" />
 <bs:Icon Type="Trash" />

How can I get this ModalConfirmPostBackHandler to behave like the standard ConfirmPostBackHandler? This is in the template column of the business pack gridview.

All sorted, was because I was using both of bs 4 & 5.