Default tab navigation not working for <bs:checkbox>

I am currently using bootstrap version 4.6.2 in my DotVVM application. I replaced my dot:checkbox to bs:checkbox. Before for the dot:checkbox by default I was able to use tab to switch between them and now with the new checkbox element it is not possible anymore. I tried to look into the CSS but I can’t find anything which hampers that behaviour. Any idea for possible cause for the issue?

I don’t know, it seems to work for me :person_shrugging: The tab behavior is usually affected by HTML attributes like tabindex, not necessarily CSS, but I don’t BS controls put it there by themselves. Does it work for you in the docs examples: CheckBox | DotVVM Documentation?

Yes in the documentation it works fine for me. It doesn’t work in my DotVVM application where I need help to know what can be the possible issues.

Sorry, I don’t know what could cause this. You can maybe try to replicate the same HTML output with the default textbox or just plain HTML element copied from devtools to idea which CSS class or knockout binding causes the issue.