[bp:GridView] nested grid views


Does DotVVM support GridView inside another GridView (nested)?
I can’t find anything about this in the online text/video documentation.

If it is supported, would you be kind to point me at some resources for best approaching parent-child grid views?

Hi! Sorry, I’m not sure what do you exactly mean by nested GridView. Is it displaying a GridView inside the cell of another GridView? I don’t think we want to explicit that, but I guess it might work. But that seems like a very strange usage, so I guess you want to accomplish somethink diferent?

Yeah, sorry for not making myself clear on the first go.

What we need is to conditionally show a child gridView below any parent gridView row, based on data contained in that parent gridView row.

A random image from www to show what I mean by that:

Yes, the child will have the position & width shown in the example picture.

PS: or even better for catching the idea:

In WebForms we have this implemented by nesting the child inside a TemplateField control:
And on the client side, by javascript, we move it from its cell inside the parent to its own <tr><td></td></tr> below the selected parent row.

Ok thanks, this makes perfect sense. I’m quite sure it would work with the vanilla dot:GridView using the new AddTemplateDecorator (DotVVM | Released DotVVM 4.3) in RowDecorators, just as shown in the post. The BP:GridView is more finicky, but I’d at least expect it to work if the nested one is dot:GridView or plain table with Repeater

Thank you. I’ll return here if analysis materializes into migrating that page towards our DotVVM app.