[bp:BusinessPackDataSet<T>] does not work with required C# keyword

Hi there!

I know about C# having this limit.

The question is: can we make it work somehow while still using required
for T ?

I thought about this, and I’m not sure… Well, in 4.x, the answer is no, the grid needs a way to create new rows.

In 5.0, we have redesigned GridViewDataSet, I think we could add something like CreateRow to IRowInsertOptions (or rather ISingleRowInsertOptions), which would allow you to compose your own dataset with a custom implementation. However, you’d probably need to override insert options for each viewmodel you want to put to the data set. Do you think it still makes sense, or do you have some idea how you’d like a new API to look which would support this?

Currently I don’t have the slightest clue about further insights about this. I’ve just wanted my candy required like a spoiled brat :smiley: